AquaGym Swim Club

Location: 459 Cashel Street, Christchurch


Frequency of swims: Up to 10 sessions per week


Approx number in group: 80


Usual number of swimmers: 20-30, depending on the squad and session


Level of swimmers: Advanced or competitive level


Minimum swimming ability: Able to train for up to two hours


Cost to join/for swims: Varies depending on the squad level, is generally paid monthly


Ethos of group/what’s your why:


The 5 key values that define AquaGym Swim Club are:


WINNING ATTITUDE – Long term success from regional to international level


COMMITMENT – Achieving personal success, be the best you can be, having fun


RESPECT – Family friendly, sportsmanship, recognition


TEAM WORK – Being a strong cohesive team, supporting each other


LEADERSHIP – Produce more leaders, not more followers


What are you trying to achieve:

At Aquagym we aim to succeed at swim meets locally, regionally and nationally while having fun along the way!


How can people join or contact you:

Contact the head coach, David Prattley, at




Thanks to Zac Baker (who is part of the Aquagym Squad and also a SwimT3 Staff Member) for the post!