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30 Days of Fitness Challenge
We know the challenges this year has bought for health and mental well being - and how that can sometimes feel like a downward spiral. So we want to help!
We all know that physical exercise is great for our health but it also releases endorphins that help you feel better as well. We work a lot with athletes who are constantly moving but not everyone has that luxury - so we've devised the the Swim T3 30 Day Fitness Challenge!
The aim here is to get people of all fitness levels moving - for their physical and mental health. There's no pressure to hit specific goals because you're working to your own abilities but we want to get as many people moving and encouraging others to do the same during August so we're offering incentives to get people sharing their experience with a $50 T3 Voucher for our favourite post each week using the hashtag #t3fitnesschallenge - so lets get moving, lets get feeling better about ourselves and lets get into a positive mindset!
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